Multi-Row Dependent Dropdown List in Google Sheets

dependent dropdown list in google sheets

In a previous post, I explained how to create a simple dependent dropdown list in Google Sheets. However, using that method you cannot copy the dependent dropdown list into multiple rows. As such, in this tutorial, I will show you how you can create a dependent dropdown list in Google Sheets and copy it into … Read more

8 ways to keep track of what you read online

keep track of what you read online

You may read several online articles/ blog posts a day. Sometimes you may forget what you read, and again another day, you will search for the same article again on Google search. Instead of reading and just leaving the articles, you keep track of what you read online. When you track reading, you will get … Read more

How to create a Data Entry form in Google Sheets

How to create a Data Entry form in Google Sheets

When it comes to mass data entry works, it is essential to use data entry forms to improve accuracy and speed. This tutorial will show you how to create a data entry form in Google Sheets. With Google Sheets, it has many advantages over data entry forms like MS Access installed on your local computer. … Read more

How to Create a Dependent Dropdown List in Google Sheets

Dependent Drop-Down List

Dependent dropdown lists are a type of dropdown list where the options available in the list depend on the value selected in another dropdown list. This type of dropdown list is useful when you design data entry forms or create dashboards with options to automatically change their content based on the user’s selection. Using dependent … Read more

Automate Google Sheet to get Google Map Travel Time and Distance

Automate Google Sheet to get Google Map Travel Time and Distance

Using the DirectionFinder class of Google Apps script, you get directions between locations from Google Maps. This class returns several details, including travel time and distance between the given two locations. In this tutorial, I will show you how to get Google Map Travel Tim and Distance to Google Sheets automatically using Google Apps Script. … Read more