Creating Multi-Level Cascading Dropdowns in Google Apps Script Web Apps

Multi-Level Cascading Dropdowns in Google Apps Script Web Apps - bpwebs

In our blog, we have published several tutorials on creating web apps with data entry forms using Google Apps Script. Data entry forms significantly enhance the accuracy and speed of your data entry tasks. When creating these forms, you have several options for dropdown lists: hardcoding the items directly into your code or populating them … Read more

How to Create HTML Data Entry Forms in Google Sheets

How to Create HTML Data Entry Forms in Google Sheets

Are you constantly battling typos, inconsistent formatting, and the sheer tedium of manually entering data into spreadsheets? If so, it’s time to ditch the error-prone process and upgrade your workflow. The data entry forms are a great way to improve this workflow and increase the efficiency of the data entry process. With Google Apps Script … Read more

Take your inventory to Google Sheets with QR/Bar code scanning Web Apps

Take your inventory to Google Sheets with QR, Bar code scanning Web Apps

In today’s fast-paced retail environment, efficiency is key. Small shop owners need a cost-effective solution for managing their inventory without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can create a user-friendly QR Code Scanner Web App using Google Apps Script, providing shop owners with a free and efficient tool to take … Read more

How to create dropdown lists in Excel (Dependent & Multirow)

How to Create Dropdown Lists in Excel - Dependent & Multirow

In this article, I will show you how to create dropdown lists and dependent dropdown lists in Excel and apply them to multiple rows. Dropdown lists allow users to select from a list of options when entering data into a cell. This can help to ensure that data is entered correctly and consistently. Dependent dropdown … Read more

How to Combine Columns in Google Sheets: 4 methods for merging data

How to combine columns in Google Sheets

When working with spreadsheets, we often need to combine data from multiple columns into a single column. For example, we might need to combine the first and last names of a list of contacts to make the full name or Combine columns for “Street Address,” “City,” “State,” and “ZIP Code” to create a complete address. … Read more

Create Your Own Personal Finance Tracker App with Google Sheets

Create Your Own Personal Finance Tracker App with Google Sheets

Keeping track of your income and expenditures is an important part of your financial planning. It can help you to understand your spending habits, set financial goals, make informed financial decisions, and spot potential problems early on. There are many different ways to store your income and expenses. Some people use a paper budget, while … Read more

How to use Google Sheets to Manage Data Entry Works

How to use Google Sheets to Manage Data Entry Works

“Garbage in, garbage out” is a common saying in the computer world to describe how important the quality of the data is. If your input nonsense data, you will also get a nonsense output. So, to get more accurate results, you should minimize the errors in your data. Error in data entry is one such … Read more

Upload files to Google Drive with Google Apps Script Web Apps

Upload files to Google Drive with Google Apps Script Web Apps

We have created a number of Google Apps Script Web Apps that can be used for data collection purposes in our previous blog posts. We included several types of form controls in those web apps, such as text fields, dropdowns, radio buttons, etc… This blog post will show you how to create a web app … Read more

How to Generate a Data Entry form in Excel

How to Generate Data Entry form in Excel

Using the “Form” command, you can easily generate a data entry form in Excel. Data entry forms provide a convenient means to insert, view, update, or delete data. This post will show you how to generate Excel data entry forms and why and when to use them. Note: The examples in this post have been … Read more