Creating Organizational Charts with Google Sheets

Creating Organizational Charts with Google Sheets

Organizational charts are essential tools for visualizing the structure of a company, showcasing relationships between employees, and clarifying reporting hierarchies. Google Sheets offers a simple yet powerful way to create these charts, leveraging its integration with other Google Workspace tools and its user-friendly interface. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to … Read more

Creating Multi-Level Cascading Dropdowns in Google Apps Script Web Apps

Multi-Level Cascading Dropdowns in Google Apps Script Web Apps - bpwebs

In our blog, we have published several tutorials on creating web apps with data entry forms using Google Apps Script. Data entry forms significantly enhance the accuracy and speed of your data entry tasks. When creating these forms, you have several options for dropdown lists: hardcoding the items directly into your code or populating them … Read more

How to Create HTML Data Entry Forms in Google Sheets

How to Create HTML Data Entry Forms in Google Sheets

Are you constantly battling typos, inconsistent formatting, and the sheer tedium of manually entering data into spreadsheets? If so, it’s time to ditch the error-prone process and upgrade your workflow. The data entry forms are a great way to improve this workflow and increase the efficiency of the data entry process. With Google Apps Script … Read more

Automatically Email Google Sheets Invoice as PDF and Track Records

Automatically Email Google Sheets Invoice as PDF and Track Records

As a small business owner, every minute counts. If you create invoices in Google Sheets, then manually generate PDFs, attach them to emails, archive them in Drive, and update your records – that’s valuable time you could be spending elsewhere. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to reduce these repetitive tasks to a … Read more

How to Perform Basic Calculations in Microsoft Word Tables

Perform Basic Calculations in Microsoft Word Tables

In our modern, fast-paced world, efficiency is crucial, particularly in managing documents. Microsoft Word, a versatile tool, extends beyond basic word-processing functions. An often overlooked feature is its capability to perform straightforward calculations directly within tables. In this blog post, I will show you how you can perform basic calculations in Microsoft Word tables to … Read more

Take your inventory to Google Sheets with QR/Bar code scanning Web Apps

Take your inventory to Google Sheets with QR, Bar code scanning Web Apps

In today’s fast-paced retail environment, efficiency is key. Small shop owners need a cost-effective solution for managing their inventory without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can create a user-friendly QR Code Scanner Web App using Google Apps Script, providing shop owners with a free and efficient tool to take … Read more

How to Create a Weather Dashboard in Google Sheets

How to Create a Weather Dashboard in Google Sheets

Have you ever wanted to track local weather conditions without leaving your favorite spreadsheet tool? Or do you need to keep track of the weather in different locations without constantly checking multiple websites? With a little bit of code, you can create a dynamic weather dashboard that pulls in data from the OpenWeatherMap API and … Read more

How to Link Word Table Caption to Document Body: Cross-Reference

How to Link Word Table Caption to Document Body: Cross-Reference

When you include tables in a document, you should describe them in the text using their caption numbers. However, if you add or delete tables later, you may need to update these numbers manually, which can be tedious and error-prone. Fortunately, Microsoft Word has a feature called cross-reference that allows you to link the table … Read more

How to Combine Columns in Google Sheets: 4 methods for merging data

How to combine columns in Google Sheets

When working with spreadsheets, we often need to combine data from multiple columns into a single column. For example, we might need to combine the first and last names of a list of contacts to make the full name or Combine columns for “Street Address,” “City,” “State,” and “ZIP Code” to create a complete address. … Read more

How to Calculate the Distance Between Two Addresses in Google Sheets

How to Calculate the Distance Between Two Addresses in Google Sheets

Are you looking to calculate the distance between two addresses within your Google Sheets? Whether you’re planning logistics routes, analyzing customer data, or calculating commuting distances, knowing how to perform this task can save you time and effort. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of calculating the distance between two … Read more