How to share a single Sheet in Google Sheets

How to share a single sheet in Google Sheets

When you share a Google Sheet with others, they will have access to all individual sheets in the Spreadsheet. At present, there is no direct option to share a single sheet in Google Sheets. However, using the following method, you can share data in a single sheet or selected few sheets without giving access to … Read more

Importing CSV Into Google Sheets (import CSV, TSV, and XLSX)

importing CSV into Google Sheets

In the previous tutorials, we talked about importing data from another sheet in the same spreadsheet and from other spreadsheets to Google Sheets. In this tutorial, let’s focus on importing CSV into Google Sheets. You can import TSV files also using the methods described below. In addition to that, I will show you how to … Read more

How to import data from one Google Sheet to another

import data from one Google Sheet to another

In the previous tutorial, we discussed how to import data from another Sheet in the same Google Spreadsheet. This tutorial will show you how to import data from one Google Sheet to another. And also, you can use this method to import data from multiple Google Spreadsheets. How to uniquely identify each Google Spreadsheet You … Read more

Creating Forms in Google Sheets – Sidebar & Modal Dialog forms

Creating Forms in Google Sheets - Sidebar, Modeless and Modal Dialog forms

There are several ways to create forms in Google Sheets. The most popular and easiest method is to use Google Forms. However, it is a general-purpose form-building application. Sometimes you may find it very difficult to create a form in your mind with Google Forms. Especially when it comes to mass data entry works, you … Read more

How to link Google Sheets to Google Maps and create interactive maps

How to link Google Sheets to Google Maps and create interactive maps

Most of our day-to-day databases include geographic data such as country, region, city, address, latitude-Longitude, place names, etc. Many of you are used to storing these data on spreadsheets applications like Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, etc… If you can link these databases to a map, you can see the changes to your data in real-time … Read more

How to Create an Online Data Entry Form that can Perform CRUD Operations on Google Sheets

Create an HTML Web App to CRUD Records on Google Sheets_

Online data entry forms are a powerful tool that you can use to collect many types of data more easily and accurately. Google Sheets is the most powerful cloud-based spreadsheet application that you can use absolutely free. Google is also offering another free tool named Google Apps Script (GAS) to increase the power of your … Read more

Create Stunning Free Online Dashboard for your Data

How to Create an Online Dashboard for free to Share and Visualize Your Data

When you are working with databases, you know there are thousands or millions of records in a spreadsheet or your database. These data don’t sense anything when it is in that format. However, if you can represent these data in a graphical form, it is easier to visualize and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in … Read more