How to use Google Sheets to Manage Data Entry Works

How to use Google Sheets to Manage Data Entry Works

“Garbage in, garbage out” is a common saying in the computer world to describe how important the quality of the data is. If your input nonsense data, you will also get a nonsense output. So, to get more accurate results, you should minimize the errors in your data. Error in data entry is one such … Read more

Create a Crypto Portfolio Tracker in Google Sheets

Crypto Portfolio Tracker in Google Sheets

This post will show you how to create a Crypto Portfolio Tracker in Google Sheets. With this Google Sheet, you can track your cryptocurrency purchases. And also, you can view a summary of your total assets with the Dollar Cost Average (DCA) for each cryptocurrency. In addition to that, you can get the present value … Read more

Upload files to Google Drive with Google Apps Script Web Apps

Upload files to Google Drive with Google Apps Script Web Apps

We have created a number of Google Apps Script Web Apps that can be used for data collection purposes in our previous blog posts. We included several types of form controls in those web apps, such as text fields, dropdowns, radio buttons, etc… This blog post will show you how to create a web app … Read more

How to Generate a Data Entry form in Excel

How to Generate Data Entry form in Excel

Using the “Form” command, you can easily generate a data entry form in Excel. Data entry forms provide a convenient means to insert, view, update, or delete data. This post will show you how to generate Excel data entry forms and why and when to use them. Note: The examples in this post have been … Read more

Excel Named Range – Make Your Work Easier!

Excel Named Range – Make Your Work Easier!

We identify each cell in the spreadsheet by a combination of its column letter and row number. A range of cells is defined using the upper Left cell and the lower Right cell. We call this A1 notation. But writing a complex formula using A1 notation is a bit difficult to understand and maintain. You … Read more

How to Create a Button in Google Sheets to Run Scripts

How to Create a Button in Google Sheets to run Scripts

You can create a button in Google Sheets to run Apps Script from its user interface. The button is essential when you design Google Sheets for others who do not know App Scripts. This post will show you how you can create a button in Google Sheets and attach the Google Apps Script function to … Read more